Bentley - 142: Only Evolution Fits the Data | Have You Swallowed the Hook? (DVD)
Thomas BentleyHave you heard the saying, “Only evolution fits the data”? It is repeated throughout the scientific world, but as we see in this video, it is not true. Evolutionists have three main arguments: random mutation, natural selection, and time. Thomas Bentley debunks the veracity of each of these arguments, and reveals many instances of falsified scientific data and incorrect theories. See how evolutionists have planted a seed of doubt in our minds, causing many to believe in evolution when there is no hard evidence and every seeming proof has been disproven.
So is it only evolution that fits the data? What if mankind has created or imagined false data to match their theories? Bentley explores the possibility that evolutionists rely solely on imagination in lieu of facts and science. were created by God, and not by chance and accident. Decide for yourself whether the evolution or creation model makes the most sense.