Bentley - 143: There is no Evidence for Creation | Have You Swallowed the Hook? (DVD)
Thomas BentleyIn the third video in this series, Thomas Bentley explores the differences between naturalistic philosophy and materialism. See how materialism has given us weak substitutes for God that many people are putting their faith in, and what those differing belief systems mean to our culture. See how our belief systems can drastically affect the world around us, and witness how people are quickly succumbing to nature worship instead of worshipping the one true God.
Bentley reveals the ways in which the language of our DNA and the complex life systems on our planet proves intelligent design by a Designer. With all this proof, why are evolutionists still convinced that life happened by accident and chance? Bentley expresses warnings and the dangers of our choices of incorrect belief systems. Watch this captivating video and decide for yourself which belief system is correct.