Bentley - 144: You have no Choice | Have You Swallowed the Hook? (DVD)
Thomas BentleyDo you believe in the survival of the fittest? Are we really all products of our genes, believing and acting how we do just because our genes are sequenced a certain way? If that is so, then we have no choice in the matter. We do not make conscious decisions but only act because our genes have programmed us to. Perhaps you have seen articles and programs about how smoking or alcoholism is genetic, but now there are more extreme writings about how sexual preference, the desire to be altruistic, and how even infidelity is genetic. This slippery slope leads our generation to believe that anything we do is a forced action from our genes.
In part four of Thomas Bentley’s series, we discover that Darwin and evolutionists today have it all wrong. We are not borne of random chance, but have been miraculously made by God. Hear how evolutionary psychology is sneaking its way into our classrooms, indoctrinating young minds with false information. Our youth are being taught that evolution is fact, when there is so much evidence to the contrary. Pay attention to this important video about choice and the ripple effect of evolutionary psychology in our culture.