Bentley - 145: Love is just a Chemical Impulse | Have You Swallowed the Hook? (DVD)
Thomas BentleyIn our culture, many people dissect love and attribute the idea of love to chemicals and evolution. In part four of this series, Thomas Bentley poses the question “Is Love Just a Chemical Impulse?” Listen to the evolutionist view of love, and see how evolutionary theorists have diminished the beauty and selflessness of love. Contrast that view with the creationist view of love, which teaches that God has given us the choice of selfless altruism, caring, and love.
Bentley explores different theories on the origin of love, and how these manifest differently in our modern society. How has Darwinism skewed and tainted the notion of Godly love? This video discusses how we are not merely mechanisms, loving randomly and for our own gain, but we are cleverly and intricately made with love, to love.