Goia - 1142: Fully Connected - Believe | Growing in Christ (DVD)
How can we know if we’re abiding in Christ? What are the symptoms that we’re lacking faith? Why don’t we trust God more than we do? What is the secret to developing strong faith?
The first step toward having a living, growing spiritual life is confession. But it’s not enough to confess. The next step is belief. Do you struggle with thoughts that God hasn’t forgiven you, doesn’t care about your problems, or doesn’t hear you? In this episode, Pastor Pavel Goia addresses the problems Christians face with belief. With stories of how others overcame their unbelief and the amazing results that followed, Pastor Goia shows how to increase our faith.
Pastor Goia reminds us that our problems are not the real problem because Satan’s not after our stuff. He’s after our faith and he uses our problems to make us doubt God and destroy our faith, because he knows that without faith it’s impossible to please God. So how do we fix our belief problems? Find out in this inspiring, belief-building presentation.
54 Min