Howard - 656: Dangers of Emerging Church | The Omega - The Train of Deception Progresses (DVD)
Rick HowardRick Howard speaks about the new movement within the Seventh-day Adventist church that is based on the teaching of the Emerging Church. He focuses on Revelation 17, where the ten kings gave all their authority to the beast. Verse 13 says, “...these have one mind, and shall give their power and strength to the beast.” Just as Eve was deceived in the Garden of Eden and was hypnotized by the enemy, so the deception is taking place today. Globalism is real and is happening right now. Papal Rome is working behind the scenes to bring the nations of Europe together. Spiritual formation will be the main tool used to evangelize the whole world, and what is right behind the emerging church? Spiritual Formation. Many that have been caught up in this deception do not teach the distinctive truths. The mystery of iniquity teaches that you can live in sin. As long as you eat the sacrament you will be saved. Do not be deceived! You will be amazed as you listen to this lecture and begin to identify the stamp of prophecy on end time events. (33 minutes)