KJV Bible - Remnant Study Bible with EGW Comments (Blue and Gray Leathersoft)
Remnant Study Bible Special Forces Edition also includes what any good study Bible offers, such as book introductions and outlines, an extensive concordance, an abundance of cross-references, and wide margins for personal notes. No other study Bible offers more features for personal Bible study—and for sharing with others—than does The Remnant Study Bible. Power-filled features include: * E. G. White Comments * King James Version * Bible Chain References for Bible Studies * Approximately 40,000 Scripture Cross References * Red-letter Edition * Book Introductions and Outlines * Chapter Subtitles * Parables and Miracles of Jesus * Color Images of the Sanctuary, Prophetic Symbols and Maps * Concordance * E.G. White’s Companion Guide * Read the Bible in a Year Guide * Wide Margins for Notes * 2 Ribbon Markers * High-quality Smyth Sewn Binding
The Title: “Special Forces Study Bible” Since God will have an “army of youth” in the end time to live and work for Him, this name has been chosen with young people, especially, in mind—though in truth, anyone of any age can be a part of God’s “Special Forces” army. It’s also true that Dwight Hall, President of Remnant Publications—the publisher of this Bible—is himself a former soldier in the Army’s Special Forces. As such, he has a unique understanding of the parallels between the Special Forces of the military and the Special Forces God is assembling for His final assault on evil in these last days.
The Thorns Emblem Jesus has called us to pick up our cross daily and follow Him. When we do that, we will be opposed by the enemy and even suffer persecution. But Jesus tells us that “If I have suffered, you will suffer even more.” Part of being God’s special people as the end nears—part of His Special Forces—is to bravely endure and even welcome the opportunity to bear our cross as Jesus did His.
The Bible Verse Notice the text that begins, “You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation…” 1 Peter 2:9
The Circle of Thorns This, of course, is a constant reminder of the amazing love for you that drove Him to the cross—that helped Him endure the cruel thorns, the whippings, and the agony of the cross itself, for you and for us all. As you look at this circle of thorns from time to time, may it remind you that you are loved—that Jesus sees you as so valuable that He would pay any price for you.
The Bible Title / E. G. White Comments Now you can get your Remnant Study Bible in the King James Version. And of course, the E. G. White comments in this Bible help it come alive, not only for personal study but in sharing God’s Word with others.
- Cover Type:
- Leather