Principles of Life (Book)
The ultimate purpose of this book is to give a sincere Bible students A solid, foundational footing the core principles of God’s word. (developed and collated by the seventh-day Adventist Bible doctrine textbook committee) in order to guide them through the important decisions of life. This book covers many facets of life — from marriage, to raising children, the parables, spirituality, and evangelism - among many other subjects. It is an excellent compilation of Seventh-day Adventist teachings that have carefully and thoughtfully collated to educate believers and how to live the best possible Christian Life.
This book used to be used to train all Seventh-Day Adventist Pastors in the 1900s.
The revised edition includes; Plant-based food guide graphic as well as the addition of editors comments and quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy on the food and health sections providing additional information. Published and edited by Amazing Discoveries.
Canadian Orders are on Pre-order & there will be a 2-week delay in shipment, USA orders are available and will be shipped out within a few days of receiving order.
- Cover:
- Hard cover