Rome's Challenge (Booklet)
Did Jesus change Sabbath to Sunday? Did the early apostolic church institute Sunday worship? Where in the Bible can we find evidence that Christians are to worship God on Sunday? Can this so-called holy day truly be verified by the Scriptures?
Rome's Challenge is a collection of thorough arguments from the Catholic Mirror which argues that it was only by the authority of the Catholic Church that Sabbath was changed to Sunday. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that Sabbath was changed to Sunday. The articles argue that if Protestants truly believe the Bible and claim its authority over their lives, then they should keep Sabbath holy instead of Sunday, because Sunday-keeping demonstrates their willingness to accept the authority of tradition in the place of sola scriptura, the authority of God’s Word.
This book is not only a powerful argument for Sabbath, it is also a modern-day expression of the argument that settled the Catholic Church’s position on tradition over Scripture at the Council of Trent. It is an irrefutable statement of the Catholic Church’s view of Protestant churches and identifies the Seventh-day Adventist Church as the only truly Protestant church.