Spuller - 3201-4: Garden Answers (4 DVD Bundle)
timon spullerFilmed Campmeeting 2022 - Contains a Garden Tour | Healthy Soil Healthy Food | How to Germinate Seeds | Self Sustainable Garden
What should you grow in a survival garden? How can you have healthy soil to minimize weeds and pests, and ensure the food you produce is high in nutrients? Is feeding the soil different than feeding plants? These and many other questions are answered in this informative series about self-sufficient gardening.
Learn how the condition of the soil has everything to do with the quality of food produced. What is the relationship between organic matter, microbes, and minerals in the soil? See how to use a brix refractometer and what it can tell you about the health of your soil. Discover the secrets of the well-balanced, orderly system that God designed to provide food for all creatures.
In this series, we share just about everything you might need to know about seeds, including how to pick what will grow in your area and how to store seeds you collect for next year’s planting. We also talk about self sustainable gardening and how to convert daily nutrient requirements into a planting plan to feed your family for a year.
Join MacKenzie and Timon as they share their growing experiences and survival gardening tips for growing a family garden that will provide all your family needs to survive hard times.