Veith - 262: Righteousness by Faith in Verity Part 1 | Clash of Minds (DVD)
Walter VeithThe world about to make the same choice that the Jews made when they rejected Jesus and said, “We have no king but Caesar.” This choice was made just before the close of that nation’s probation. When the world makes that choice in our day, then we can know that probation is about to close. For this reason, we need to understand what righteousness by faith really means, and why we are the ones who should be preaching this message.
The Bible clearly defines righteousness by faith, but there is also a false righteousness by faith which Satan is using to deceive people. We must know the difference between the two if we are to avoid the mistake the Jews made when they rejected Christ their King and chose Caesar instead. In this video, Walter Veith studies what the Bible teaches on justification and compares it with statements Protestants have agreed to in the document Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification.
Do we really understand the doctrine of righteousness by faith? Why is the law essential to the righteousness of Christ? What is the relationship between law and grace? What does it really mean to have righteousness by faith in verity? When Protestants compromise the Biblical doctrine of justification, they reject King Jesus and choose for themselves another Caesar.
1 hour 15 minutes