Veith - 267: The Herodian Mind Part 1 | Clash of Minds (DVD)
Walter VeithToday it’s not politically correct to speak about the issues regarding the Three Angels’ Messages. Some believe we shouldn’t preach against the Antichrist because it is offensive in the ecumenical age of cooperation in which we’re living. So today, when anyone links history with current events and prophecy, they’re labelled as conspiracy theorists. However, a clear explanation of Bible prophecies in light of current events is not conspiracy but fulfillment of prophecy. Ellen White wrote, “Today we are to consider the dealings of God with the nations of the earth. We are to see in history the fulfillment of prophecy . . . and to understand the progress of events in the marshaling of the nations for the final conflict of the great controversy” (8T 307.2).
“Every false religion . . . has been based on the Cain principle, that man can depend upon his own merits and righteousness for salvation” (ST, December 23, 1886). When Cain killed Abel, God put a mark upon him and gave him authority to rule over his people, those who rebelled against the authority of God. The mark of Cain, or the sign of Anu, is in contrast to the sign of God, the Sabbath, as given in Exodus 31:13. God’s sign is a sign of obedience which acknowledges the authority of God.
Through history, the rulers of evil have followed in the steps of Cain. God permitted Pharaoh to subject His people to bondage. He permitted Nebuchadnezzar to carry His people to Babylon. And He permitted Herod to rule and examine Christ at His crucifixion. Likewise, God permits the rulers of evil to exercise their authority to this day.
Who rules with Cain’s authority today? Walter Veith answers this question in this introductory lecture on the Herodian mind.Part 1 of 2.
1 hour 39 minutes