Campmeeting 2019 - The Basic's PLUS - The Earth: Between Light and Darkness (DVD Bundle)
Get our Campmeeting 2019 Basic Bundle today with an exciting addition!
Enjoy the entire campmeeting from the comfort of your home. If you didn't attend, see what you missed - featuring speakers Eric Walsh, Walt Cross, Walter Veith, Phodidas Ndamyumugabe, Henry Stober, and Dan Gabbert.
Enjoy uplifting presentations from what those that attended called a spiritual "bootcamp".
This Bundles contains all that the Basics Bundle contains - the full 3DVD set of Phodidas' powerful testimony, Walter Veith's single sermons, Dan Gabbert's uplifting morning series, Walt Cross' powerful series about the Health Message and a new speaker to AD, Henry Stober's testimony, and Eric Walsh as he presents deep insights into the life of John the Baptist PLUS the special documentary by Henry Stober - The Earth Between Light and Darkness filmed in Iceland and featuring Walter Veith discussing the great controversy between Christ and Satan as it played out in the Garden of Eden.
See list below of inclusions.
Veith -725: Our Personal God (DVD)
Is God a personal being? Who or what is the Holy Spirit? Could an integration of science and religion unite all humanity? In this lecture, Pastor Veith gets to the heart of theories on the nature of God.
70 minutes
Veith -726: Who Shall Dwell? (DVD)
No one would choose Barabbas unless they had a distorted view of Jesus. Is it possible that today the world has such a distorted view of God that they would again cry, “Give us Barabbas!”?
63 minutes
Veith -727: Almighty Compassionate (DVD)
Jesus, Job and Jeremiah were mistreated by their friends. When you suffer for faithfully bearing the Three Angels’ Messages, how will you respond? It depends upon your conception of God. 65 minutes
Veith -728: Terah Died in Haran (DVD)
What was so dangerous about Haran that God called Abram with the urgent message, “Get thee out”? How far are we prepared to go? Will we follow Christ into the heavenly Canaan, or will we die in Haran? 63 minutes
Veith -729: For Your Ears Only (DVD)
What lessons does the Book of John have for God’s people living in these last days? How must the remnant prepare for the shaking and the latter rain? Jesus’ words have special significance right now. 70 minutes
Stober - 816: Twisted Perspectives (DVD)
Have you ever prayed an all-or-nothing type of prayer in which you asked God to show you in an unmistakable way what His will was for you? Henry Stober did, and God powerfully answered. 51 Min
Ndamyumugabe - 817: Preaching From the Grave (3 DVD Set)
Phodidas Ndamyumugabe was in Rwanda during the genocide. His experiences of how God spared his life on multiple occasions, even when he was digging his own grave, will inspire you!
Walsh - 820: Prophetic Prototype: Lessons from the Life of John the Baptist (5 DVD Set)
In this series, Dr Eric Walsh draws parallels between John the Baptist’s life and the remnant church. Dr Walsh gives his personal testimony and shares lessons from his painful experiences with trial and persecution.
Gabbert - 810: Understanding the Latter Rain (5 DVD Set)
The purpose of this series is to help us prepare for the outpouring of the latter rain. Through Bible study and examination of Spirit of Prophecy statements on the subject, Dan Gabbert shares insights that will help us to put ourselves in connection with
Cross - 320: What Are We Doing With The Health Message? (4 DVD set)
More than 150 years ago, God blessed the church with a health message through the Spirit of Prophecy. This information was ahead of its time and continues to be confirmed by medical research to this day. But what have we done with the health message? In this series, Walt Cross reminds us of our responsibility to use the right hand of the Gospel and writes a prescription for us to follow to be part of God’s health care system.
Stober - 173: The Earth: Between Light and Darkness
Please take a seat and join Henry Stober and his film team on widespread and exciting journeys through one of the most breathtaking countries on earth: Iceland. Hardly any other place on earth offers such a spectrum of spectacular nature. A perfect setting