Cross - 324: The Health Message 156 Years Later | What Are We Doing With The Health Message? (DVD)
Walt CrossIn June 1863 at a camp meeting, Ellen White was given a 45-minute vision for the church regarding the preservation of health and the treatment of disease. She wrote hundreds of pages on the subject and set forth principles, urging the value of nature’s remedies, that have stood the test of time and scientific research.
We’ve had the health message since the time of the American Civil War. But what have we done with it?
Walt Cross discusses the characteristics and structure of God’s health care system and describes the roles that churches, schools, restaurants, food stores, clinics, sanitariums, ministers and church members are to play. He reminds us of our personal and corporate responsibility to employ the right hand of the Gospel, medical missionary work, to point the sin-sick soul to Christ and writes a prescription for us to follow to be part of God’s health care system.
1 hour 13 minutes