Drebit, Lana - 3027: Practical Home Remedies  (DVD)
In this practical series of short video presentations, Lana Drebit demonstrates simple, effective, natural treatments that God has provided for us to use. Each presentation starts with an overview in which Lana shows the common, household items that can be used for each treatment. She explains what each therapy is and tells what conditions warrant the use of each. She also talks about contraindications for use and explains precautions to take for those with certain conditions.
Using real patients, Lana demonstrates the application of the different therapies, explaining what she’s doing and why. In addition, Lana shares information about her experiences using the therapies to treat people and gives advice on how to create a positive environment in the treatment room.
With encouragement, practical tips and detailed demonstrations of the procedures, Lana makes it possible for viewers to understand and apply these effective home remedies for themselves and those they care about.
Day 1- Edema Wrap
In this presentation, Lana talks about hydrotherapy and demonstrates a simple, effective treatment for edema using common household items.
Day 2- Hot Foot Bath
Learn how to prepare this simple, effective hydrotherapy and the many conditions it can be successfully used to treat. Lana demonstrates how to prepare the foot bath, how to drape the treatment chair and patient, and how to apply cold compresses to attain the desired effect on the patient’s circulatory system. 22:24
Day 3- Hot and Cold Fomentation
Lana Drebit explains and demonstrates the effective use of hot and cold fomentations for the treatment of many conditions. As she demonstrates the application of this hydrotherapy, she talks the viewer through the procedure, explaining what she is doing and why. She also shares many tips about preparing the fomentation pads, keeping the patient comfortable and making the experience a positive one.
Day 4- Charcoal
Learn how to make quick and effective charcoal poultices for the treatment of insect bites. Lana also demonstrates how to mix a charcoal slurry for the treatment of nausea, diarrhea, and poisoning. Find out why every kitchen should be equipped with this simple yet powerful detoxifier.
Day 5- Russian Penicillin
In this presentation, Lana Drebit shows how to make two versions of a potent pathogen-killing drink using ingredients you are likely to have in your kitchen.