Hudson - 563: Enduring the Crisis (DVD)
Christopher HudsonLike labour pains, the increasing frequency and intensity of the signs Jesus foretold that would precede His coming show that our deliverance is imminent. But before Jesus delivers us, He warned that we will be delivered up to be persecuted. Many Christians don’t want to talk about the crisis that lies just ahead, but Jesus Himself had a purpose for warning us. He said, “These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended” John 16:1.
Why was He concerned that we should not be offended? Jesus knew that if those closest to us – family members, church family - betrayed us, we might take offense. When God speaks of a patience that will strengthen us to endure that kind of crisis, He points us to Job. Satan took all that he had in a day but left Job’s wife, his bride, to be a snare to him because she was nearest to him and had influence. But Job had the same two character traits that must be possessed by the 144 000. He withstood the crisis. Job vindicated God’s character by showing that God was worthy of his love, and that he would rather die than dishonour Him. Do you have this kind of relationship with God?
We must remember that everything we are about to go through Jesus already went through for us. As a bride groom making his vows - rich or poor, in sickness or in health, till death do us part - Jesus gave up the riches of heaven to live a life of poverty, had His visage marred more than any man and died so that He might take His bride, His people, to be with Him through eternity. He’s waiting for His people to say, “I do. I want Jesus no matter what.” Are you willing to make that vow?
1 hour 6 minutes