Marcussen - National Sunday Law (Book)
A. Jan MarcussenNational Sunday Law gives a shocking view behind the scenes as world powers come together to create a law that will change history.
The Two Horned Beast
The Beast Identified
The Beast Described
The Mark of the Beast
The Image of the Beast
The Global Conflict
Appendix 1
Appendix 1A: The "Beast" and the "Little Horn"
Appendix 2: The 1260 Year Reign of the Beast
Appendix 3: Infallibility
Appendix 4: The Bible Forbidden
Appendix 5: "War with the Saints"
Appendix 6: Edict Against the Waldenses
Appendix 7: Images
Appendix 8: Change of God's Law
Appendix 9: The First Sunday Law
Appendix 10: "First Day" Bible Texts
Appendix 11: The Ceremonial Law and The Two Covenants
Appendix 12: (Time Not Lost)
This short book will open your eyes. Get ready for Jesus's soon return!
- Cover Type:
- Soft cover