Pel - 1506: Counteracting Culture | The Shaping Factor (DVD)
Daniel PelIn this lecture, Daniel Pel explores how in the days of Jeremiah the culture shaped the nation of Israel, stripping them of their identity. We learn how they then tried to restore their identity again by creating many self-proclaimed laws and rituals. Jesus and His teachings were a serious threat and collided with these unBiblical laws and rituals. Does His Gospel collide with today’s culture in a similar way? What is a shaping factor that truly changes us? Daniel Pel suggests that our world today is suffering from distortion, as it attempts to change an image of the incorruptible God into an image of corruptible man. Deism, atheism and humanism are examples of man-made philosophies that lead to total rejection of God. Today, as it was in the time of Jeremiah, it is culture that takes over and shapes us. This is a reversal of God’s plan. We must let God be our Potter again, so people will see His image and light in us and make us the counteracting factor to the culture we are in.