Peppers - 1916: Competitive Christianity Part 2 (DVD)
Wes PeppersJealousy. Competitiveness. Strife. Envy. We all experience these feelings once in a while, but where do these feelings come from? Wes Peppers continues his Competitive Christianity series by considering how competitive sports can change our attitude, which bleeds into our Christianity. Peppers spent many years becoming the best he could be in football. He was the strongest, fastest, and most popular player. He wanted things to stay that way and felt threatened any time someone else proved to be a good player like him. Once Peppers became a Christian, he realized that his competitive nature borne from sports was creeping into his spiritual walk with God.
Should we, as God’s people, be part of competitive sports? How can competitiveness negatively change us? Too easily people allow their competitiveness to become the drive of their hearts. We strive to be the best, and we always try to improve. When we aim to overtake, to beat others, to show dominance and superiority, this competitiveness clashes with our Christian lives. Peppers explains how we shouldn’t allow our egos to grow, but instead we should nurture the Holy Spirit within us. We are not the star player on some sports team, God is the star player in our lives. We must allow Him to work in us completely, and He cannot do that if our hearts are full of competition for something else. We cannot seek to be humble like Christ if we’re always pushing to be number one. Let’s seek first the Kingdom of God!
75 minutes.
- Release Date:
- 2014
- Time Length:
- 75 min