Veith -729: For Your Ears Only (DVD)
Walter VeithThe Gospel of John is unique from the other Gospels in several ways. The other Gospels have many parables and miracles. John has no parables and just seven miracles and is mostly about the last week of Jesus’ life. A large portion of the book contains His instructions to the 11 disciples after Judas Iscariot’s leaving. Jesus’ words of admonition and encouragement have special significance right now, when the church is about to enter a momentous time of crisis, similar in ways to the crisis the disciples faced at Jesus’ betrayal and crucifixion.
What lessons does the Book of John have for us who are living in these last days? How must the remnant prepare for the shaking and the latter rain? In this lecture, Pastor Veith shares spiritual applications from the Gospel of John.
70 minutes