Veith - 959: Finding God (DVD)
Walter VeithHow well do you need to know God in order to make a complete surrender to Him? How do you get to know God? How do you know that you can trust Him? What does He require of you? Finding out who God is doesn’t come easy because it’s in the fire of affliction that trust is developed. But our extremities are God’s opportunities for showing us who He is and teaching us to trust Him.
Why did God accompany the giving of His law on Sinai with such power and grandeur, so that the people begged Moses not to let Him speak to them? It’s through this display that we learn of our inability to reach God’s high standard and come to understand our dependence upon Him.
Two thousand years later, the same Lawgiver spoke to His disciples face-to-face, expounding the principles of His law, starting with, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” The place to start in our relationship with Him is to acknowledge our absolute poverty. When we realize that we cannot reach His high standard, it’s then that we are in a position where Christ can help us. Anything else is legalism.
58 minutes