White - Letters To Young Lovers (Book)
Ellen WhiteAHHH.... YOUNG LOVE. What a beautiful thing! But anyone who has experienced young love knows it can also be confusing and heartbreaking. How do you know if s/he is the one? What do you do if you've fallen in love with a non-Christian? Is it wrong to lead someone on if you're both having fun? What's the difference between infatuation and true love? Where do you turn for advice?
Throughout her life, Ellen G. White had opportunity to offer advice to young lovers. While some of the advice was to youth in general, much of it was written in personal letters - many of which are reproduced within Letters to Young Lovers.
What would it be like to receive a letter from a prophet? Would you have the courage to open it? Would you take the advice to heart, or would you discard it as irrelevant? The young people who received these letters over a hundred years ago struggled with the same feelings and emotions as you. Open these "envelopes" and receive wisdom and counsel on the choices you're facing today.
- Cover Type:
- Soft cover