Chick - Smokescreens (Book)
Many Christians are joining the ecumenical movement, thinking God has ordained it to bring all Christians into unity. But this book reveals that the ecumenical movement is nothing more than a smokescreen, hiding the Vatican's real intent, to stamp out religious freedom and rule the world. Our fight is not with the Roman Catholic people who have been betrayed by their church. Our job is to rip the mask off her face, and let the Roman Catholics see what they're really tied to. They have to find Christ as the answer and it's our job to try to win them to Christ.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 - The Wafer God Learn the difference between the Lord's Supper and the Mass--According to the Canon Law, anyone who ridicules or says the Eucharist only represents Christ and is not actually his body, is damned.
Chapter 2 - The Hand of Rome Most Christians don't know anything of their heritage, the suffering of the early Church of Christ brought about by the Roman Catholic system. Learn of the St. Bartholomew Massacre and the massacre in Ireland.
Chapter 3 - A 20th Century Inquisition We all know of the horrible inquisition of Jews, Protestants and others during the reign of Hitler. Hitler once stated, "I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party." Hitler also stated, "As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos, etc., because it knew what the Jews were like." Read what favorable words the press of the Catholic, Spanish dictator, Franco, printed about Hitler on the day of his death.
Chapter 4 - The Whore of Revelation By dissecting Revelation chapter 17, see why the Roman Catholic Institution is the Whore of Revelation.
Chapter 5 - Another Gospel Does the Roman Catholic Church force her followers to rely on another authority other than the Bible?
Chapter 6 - Cover Up With the closing of the great, bloody World War II, the attention of the Protestants was shifted from the Vatican to the fight against Communism. Learn who was responsible for this sudden change of the spotlight and why.
Chapter 7 - Show Biz Many of our Christian Television "evangelists"; are uniting with Catholics to deliver their message to the vast number of "Christian" viewers. Have these evangelists forgotten the history behind the Protestant persecutions? II Corinthians 6:14 says, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?"
Chapter 8 - The Fallen Idol Read the startling letter written by a Vice-President of Belmont Abbey College, a Catholic school. Learn how Billy Graham has been invited to many Catholic Colleges to preach to the faculty and students. He once told his audience that the "Gospel that founded this college (Belmont Abbey College) is the same gospel which I preach today." Read of his audiences held with the pope. If Christians are going to defend the beliefs and traditions of the Roman Catholic Institution, how are we expected to win them to the one and only true Savior, Jesus Christ? Also see: "Billy Graham and His Friends"
Chapter 9 - Betrayed? Learn what ways the Roman Catholic Church has betrayed both Protestants and Catholics alike. By disguising the truth, what chance do Catholics have of discovering the true way to salvation?
Chapter 10 - The Richest Man On Earth Learn of the Vatican's large investments with companies and banks around the world, much of which is in the United States. Learn how wealthy the pope truly is.
Chapter 11 - Blueprint for Catholic America Discover the plans set up by the Roman Catholic Institution to take over America, from the time of the pilgrims to the present day.
Author: Jack T. Chick Pages: 96, Paperback