DeVasher - 1451: The Faith of Abraham (DVD)
Kameron DeVasherSometimes we are tested and tried. There are times in everyone’s life where we are asked to do things we do not want to do. Perhaps a superior asked for a difficult report at work to be completed by the end of a busy day, perhaps your parents demanded some impossible chore or favor, or maybe someone approached you and asked for something. We do not always want to obey, especially if the task makes our lives more challenging. In the same way Abraham was tested by God. He experienced great trials and hardship in his life, but the whole time he trusted and obeyed the Lord.
So what did it take for a simple Abram with a simple heart to transform into the faithful Abraham? In this sermon with pastor Kameron DeVasher we will see how obedience did not come naturally to Abraham. It was not a quick change, but it happened day by day and step by step and eventually he had faithfulness that we should all strive for. Faithfulness requires struggle and patience, but that is something we can all aspire to. The faith of Abraham reflects the very character of Christ, so let us push ourselves and develop the intense faithfulness of Abraham. 35 minutes