Peppers - 1912: The Sanctuary, Surrender, and the Spirit in the Last Days Part 2 (DVD)
Wes PeppersIn The Sanctuary, Surrender, and the Spirit in the Last Days Part 2, Wes Peppers continues his exploration into the sanctuary by discussing the temple in 1 Corinthians 3. Who is the temple of the Holy Spirit? Consider that we are Christ’s temple. Christ wants to live in our hearts so He can be with us always, creating a temple within us. Consider the amazing Christ; He loves us more than anything else, but the thing Christ hates most - sin - lives inside what He loves most.
Many of us willfully reject Christ and choose sin daily. However, Christ is still amazingly loving and patient, and still redeems us from this sin and still wishes to reside with us. Even though Jesus surrendered Himself for our sins, we still grow distant from Christ through sin. We could never match or come close to this sacrifice, but we can show our gratitude and return His love by inviting Christ into our lives and fighting sin with Christ who conquers all. Peppers reminds us that Christ send us His Holy Spirit to help us battle sin, so that His temple would remain holy and ready for Christ. Part 2 of 3.
80 minutes.
- Release Date:
- 2014
- Series Name:
- The Sanctuary, Surrender, and the Spirit in the Last Days
- Time Length:
- 80 min