DeVasher - 1414: The Death of Moses (DVD)
Kameron DeVasherMoses spent a lot of time in the desert leading the Israelites to the promise land. In that time many disbelievers were found amongst them, and many died in the decades that they were in the desert. Imagine how it must have felt when God told Moses and Aaron that they would not see the promised land. This is the price we pay when we disobey Christ or when we disbelieve. Before Moses died, the Lord showed him what the promised land would be like when the children of Israel inherit it. Moses saw the future spread out beyond his horizon, and then after knowing what is to come, died.
Satan must have celebrated, since he believes he has dominion over the dead. In this lecture with Kameron DeVasher, discover what the death of Moses really meant for the dead and for all of us. Does death really mean the end? God has supreme power over all, and this includes power over satan. Though God is the God of life, he also has control over death. This compelling lecture outlines the significance of Moses’ death and what happened after he died. If we are righteous in Christ and faithful to the end, we know that death is not the end but only the beginning.
33 minutes