DeVasher - 1441: From Mark 6 to Acts 6 (DVD)
Kameron DeVasherJesus’ earthly ministry was more than just going out and ministering to others. Jesus had a plan of salvation but He had loyal disciples that helped Him move His ministry along. Jesus didn’t have disciples that were mere watchers, but they were workers. They didn’t simply follow Him, they found others to follow Him too. When Jesus gave the command “follow me,” no one anticipated for it to be as difficult as it is. But not only are we called to follow Him, but He has calls us to be fishers of men as well. Though our Lord’s earthly ministry was short in duration, it was effective and spread further than any other worldly religion ever has.
Christ spent his time mentoring and molding His followers not to just follow, but to train others and to pass the discipleship on. Jesus knew He would not be on earth for a long period, so He had limited time to prepare and train others to help spread the truth. Jesus needs our help, and we are given the task of continuing the good work. In this lecture with pastor Kameron DeVasher we will go from Mark 6 to Acts 6 to glean greater details about Jesus’ time on earth and how He taught His faithful followers to follow His footsteps. Can we follow the same path? 41 minutes