Veith - 975: The Meaning of Rest | Darkness Before Dawn (DVD)
Walter VeithIs Sabbath-keeping legalism or is it something deeper? In Exodus 31:13, God calls the Sabbath a sign that acknowledges Him as the one who sanctifies us. What kind of “rest” does the Sabbath symbolize? Does God’s command to keep the Sabbath apply to us today? Or was it for the Jews only?
At the Council of Trent where the Roman church deliberated on what should be done to halt the Reformation and bring the churches back under its authority, discussion of the Sabbath became the winning stroke that sealed the fate of the Reformation. What happened there?
In this lecture, Walter Veith reviews the history of the seventh-day Sabbath from its introduction in Eden, to its observance by the Jews, by Christ and the apostles, and the early Christian church around the world, including in India, Africa, and Japan. How did the Christian church move from keeping the Sabbath to honouring the first day of the week in its place? Who authorized the change and why? And does it really matter, anyway, which day we keep?
2 hours