White - Mind, Character and Personality Vol 1 & 2 (2 Book Set)
Ellen WhiteSchools of psychology are variable and changing. Is there a reliable voice among the Babel of competing views? Yes. We believe that readers of this collection of guidelines on mental health will hear that voice in this collection. Written by one who was inspired by the Spirit of God, it offers faith-centered solutions to emotional and spiritual problems and points the reader to the divine Healer of minds and hearts.
This first volume includes sections on the study of the mind, the development of the mind, basic relationships, the growing personality, life’s energizing force, selfishness and self-respect, adolescence and youth, and guiding principles in education.
This second volume includes sections on the interrelationship of body and mind, mental health, emotional problems, problems in adjustment, personality, thoughts and their influences, false systems of therapy, principles and their application, and practical psychology.
We believe this two-volume collection will be of interest to all involved in the battle of the mind.
- Cover Type:
- Hard cover