White - Spirit of Prophecy Vol 4 (Book)
Ellen White
The fourth and final volume of The Spirit of Prophecy covers the early church, the Reformation, the establishment of the Adventist movement, as well as the Three Angels’ Messages and the final conflict which will bring about the end of the world.
This book is filled with insightful comments on Biblical and historical events which bring to life powerful characters and stories. Gain a deeper understanding of why history has unfolded the way it has and discover what the future holds. Draw closer to God as you see His workings through the stream of time.
Chapters include:
- Destruction of Jerusalem
- Persecution in the First Centuries
- The Roman Church
- The Waldenses
- Early Reformers
- Luther's Separation from Rome
- Luther Before the Diet
- Progress of the Reformation
- Protest of the Princes
- Later Reformers
- The Two Witnesses
- God Honors the Humble
- William Miller
- The First Angel's Message
- The Second Angel's Message
- The Tarrying Time
- The Midnight Cry
- The Sanctuary
- An Open and a Shut Door
- The Third Angel's Message
- The Third Message Rejected
- Modern Revivals
- The Investigative Judgment
- Origin of Evil
- Enmity Between Man and Satan
- Agency of Evil Spirits
- The Snares of Satan
- The First Great Deception
- Spiritualism
- Character and Aims of the Papacy
- The Coming Conflict
- The Scriptures a Safeguard
- The Loud Cry
- The Time of Trouble
- God's People Delivered
- Desolation of the Earth
- The Controversy Ended
- Cover Type:
- Soft cover